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Questions To Expect In Your Marriage Based Green Card Interview


Let’s say that you are getting married, and you are trying to get a marriage based green card. The process has been explained to you, and you generally think that you will qualify. Your marriage is genuine (that is, not just being done for immigration purposes), so you have no concerns. Except for the interview. What can you expect in your Marriage Green Card interview?

What is a Marriage Based Green Card?

If a US citizen wants to keep a non-US citizen in the country for the purposes of marrying him or her, the couple will have to apply for what is known as the marriage based green card.

The interview that will be done by immigration officials is mostly to verify the authenticity of the proposed marriage. In other words—to ensure that you aren’t getting married just to stay in or keep someone else in the country.

The Interview

Part of the process is the interview. The interview can be extraordinarily stressful, especially for someone who may be new to, or completely unfamiliar with, the English language. There is no set list of questions—every interviewer is free to use his or her own questions.

Your interview actually begins before the questions even start, as the examiner will look at the couple’s demeanor, to see if they seem like a genuine couple about to be married.

The questions are not difficult—they aren’t designed to trick you. You will usually both be in the same room during the questioning, although either potential spouse can be questioned by the interviewer.

Potential Questions

Some topics that you may be asked will sound much like questions that your friends or family  may ask you about your relationship. The topics may include:

  1. Questions about the start of your relationship, how you met each other, and how you got to the point emotionally that you wanted to get married.
  2. Questions about the wedding. You should be able to describe every detail about your wedding. How many people were there, whose parents were there, what did the bride and groom wear, or where the honeymoon was.
  3. The interviewer may ask what seem like intimate questions about your relationship, like who pays the bills, what you do together as a couple, when each others’ birthdays are, when your anniversary is, and even plans for the future, like whether or not you intend on having kids together.
  4. Expect to be asked about each other’s education. You should know where your spouse went to school, and his or her degree.
  5. You should know details about each other’s family. This includes how often you see each other’s family members, with whose family you celebrate holidays, or names of your spouse’s brothers or sisters.
  6. You should know basic information about each others’ jobs or employment.

Contact the Palm Beach County immigration attorneys at Devore Law Group today with any questions that you may have about a marriage based green card.

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