Is the EB-1B Visa Right for Me?

If you are planning to emigrate to the United States, it is important to consider all of your various options – especially if you have a history of academic achievement in your home nation. Various academics may be eligible for the EB-1B visa, and this type of visa is specifically geared towards those who have made contributions to the academic world. Your educational career might allow you to make an easy transition to a new life in the United States. But is the EB-1B visa really the best choice for you?
What Exactly IS the EB-1B Visa?
The EB-1B visa is a type of employment visa, and it falls under the general category of EB visas. The EB-1B visa is specifically geared toward researchers and professors of international renown. While this might sound like a daunting requirement, it is important to remember that other types of EB visas are more difficult to obtain. By comparison, fulfilling EB-1B visa requirements may be easier than you realize. Once you obtain this visa, you can stay in the United States for 10 years. You can also use it as a pathway to citizenship, or simply renew the visa once the expiry date approaches.
How Do I Qualify for the EB-1B Visa?
To qualify for the EB-1B visa, you must be either a professor or a researcher in your home nation. You must also be willing to contribute your knowledge to the success of the United States in some way. In other words, you must be willing to work for a US-based organization. Before you apply for an EB-1B visa, you must receive an offer of employment from either a university, a post-secondary educational institution of some kind, or a company that employs at least three full-time researchers.
In addition, you must satisfy at least two of the following six requirements:
- You are an award-winning academic
- You were accepted into an association for academic individuals
- Your papers were cited in professional journals
- You made some kind of original contribution to your field
- You published papers in professional journals
- You served as a judge of other academic work
The good news is that many doctorate students fulfill these requirements as part of their normal coursework. In order to earn a doctorate, a student must make an original contribution to their field of study. That’s one EB-1B requirement covered. Secondly, a doctorate student will likely publish a paper in a recognized scholarly journal in order to earn their degree. That’s the second EB-1B requirement covered. The only remaining step is to gain an offer of employment. From there, you can easily work and live in the United States for the foreseeable future.
Speak with a Qualified, Experienced Immigration Attorney in Palm Beach County
If you have been searching for a qualified, experienced immigration lawyer in Palm Beach County, look no further than the Devore Law Group. Over the years, we have helped numerous immigrants consider their options and approach immigration in the most efficient manner possible. While the EB-1B visa might be a positive choice for you, there are many other options to discuss. Book your consultation today to receive further guidance.